Saturday 22 March 2014

Heavens to Betsy

It's nearly a year since I've blogged.
Not like nowt has happened in my life , but because it has been.

Big Cancer op was in December.
Was meant to be keyhole, wasn't .... Well he started off as keyhole , and then I started to bleed out.
So I've wonderful scars. 
Also I lost half my body's supply of blood and needed a few transfusions.
I watched folk come into the ward and have same op as me and get home in 36 hours and here's me still in a week later. But, then I wasn't getting cabin fever , which isn't like me!
Can't say I enjoyed the food etc as it was dire, but , no energy to care where I was.
So I conceded I was ill.

It's been a long time recovery, no driving for 2 months, an infection in , would you believe , a keyhole site! 

Hamaeglobin and iron reserves still not right, so energy levels rubbish, but , I have things to do, but I'm glad it's not commuting to work , I think if I had to go back to work I'd expire! 

Mind you, could be worse.

I have been narked , who me? Lol.
Re all the publicity re breast cancer, I know any cancer is bloody awful, but , for some reason , breast gets all the publicity etc.  I was informed it's a sexy cancer.... Eh? How the hell can you sex up cancer? But, I kind of think I know what they mean. Angelina Jolie, at forefront, so it gets the celebrity status. But the likes of mine and other ones don't. Mine did , back in the day with Jade Goody dying so young with cervical, but , time passes and folk forget.

It's been a hobby of mine since mine was found to nag as many females as possible re Pap tests .
I've always went for mine, so I was lucky that it was all picked up. If I didn't go, who knows what state the cells would have been and where it might have spread.
Yet if you are under 25 and over 60 you need to ask to have one , and I think it's pretty disgusting.
Even for breast cancer, over a certain age you need to ask.
Don't they think you don't get cancer over a certain age? Good grief.

I'm back next month for a biopsy :-/ so not looking forward to that.
But in the bright side, May sees me flying off to Vancouver, unless , I'm told otherwise.
Baba no 2 arriving there, and baba California arrived on St Patricks , so I've reasons I need to go.
I've a two year old who needs me to take him to Canada Day, and also Pride, so he grows up thinking it's all normal regardless .

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